May. 22, 2020

The body in times of COVID-19

How does coronavirus affect the body? The most common response is most likely fever, dry cough, tiredness, shortness of breath, etc. However, the concept of ‘body’ is much more than a physical mechanism. It is important to know everything about physiology and to follow your doctor's instructions, but the ‘body’ is more than just the physical aspect.

This is how Eugene Gendlin, creator of the Focusing® method, describes the body. He says, in general, that we live all situations with the body. Each of the experiences of our life is registered in our body. Our difficulties have a physical location in our bodies, we live our lives with our bodies, and we process any situation in an absolutely bodily way. 

Focusing® includes the thought process and, above all, moves and gives meaning to its implicit processes. The implicit is what you still don’t know but that is on the edge of what you feel inside, a situation or sensation that at the beginning is nonspecific, which fails to put into concrete words and solutions. Your thinking and emotions is what you already know about your situation. However, there is much more implicit in your experience that has not yet been symbolized and that you don’t know. For example, if I ask you “what are your feelings or thoughts at this time?”, it’s very likely that your answer is the feelings or thoughts that you already know or are familiar to you. Why would you want to connect with them over and over if you already know them and have done enough? 

Many times we have an idea of ​​what disturbs us in life. Others, it is just a vague annoyance to which it is difficult for us to put into words. With Focusing®, we can transform this vague feeling into a well-defined "felt sense" with which we can work, dialogue and open ourselves to other processes of psychological development in your life. In the principles of Focusing®, it is considered that you have Talent and Strengths that through a conversation focused on listening, empathy and authenticity by the Focusing® Trainer (psychotherapist or coach), you can find your own new and effective answers to move forward in achieving your goals. 

Focusing® was developed by Eugene Gendlin, PhD. who, from his research, concluded that people who make a successful change had at first a vague sense difficult to describe. They made an inner awareness, a bodily sense of their problems. Whether a person can pay attention to what he called "felt sense" or "sense of the situation" turns out to be a key component of successful change processes. Scientifically proven, from the implicit process you can learn more about yourself and fully develop your Talent and Strengths. For positive, lasting, meaningful and sustainable results over time, you need to pay attention to your implicit process. 

In the current context, fear, anxiety, trauma, financial worries, day-to-day problems, etc., can affect your health, your relationship with others and the achievement of your goals. We have had to comply with the physical distance or be physically separated, maintaining a distance of at least one meter from the others. I invite you to take a productive break and be present in your body in a different way, explore what your "felt sense" is and, from there, be with your whole body in closeness and cordiality with yourself and with others, and from there to propel your adaptation or change. 

You can request an interview to my email More about Focusing,,